1. VCO 90 ml, 135 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter and Bulk.

Provides various kind of herbal plant such as: rodent tuber, purwoceng, Gynura segetum, chili, Phyllanthus buxifolius Muell, Zingiber officinale Linn, mint, etc.
We also developed a variety of seed crops of fruit such as:
Klengkeng Pingpong, Durian, variegata etc.
Jambu Merah Sukun
Durian Montong, D-24, Sitokong, Kani (Chanee)
Rambutan Binjai, Rapiah/Silengkeng
Sapodilla variegata, Jambu Citra
Soursop Queen
Jabon, Sengon dan Teak
3. Livestock Suplements and Organic Fertilizer Liquid and Solid
We produce various kind of livestock suplements and organic fertilizer liquid or solid.
4. Product dan Herbal Ingridients
There is many kind of product that we provide, such as:
Shampo Klerak
Detergen Klerak
Prima Coco Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
Organic Sugar Palm, Red Sugar Crystals, Sugar Palm Flour
Phosphate Guano Flour
In addition, we also provide various kind of Herbal Ingridients either in the form of powder and dry.
5. Training
We always organize training workshops such as Training Nata de Cassava, Snake Fruit Cultivation Training, etc.
To find our other product, you can click the link of CATALOG.
We also developed a variety of seed crops of fruit such as:
Klengkeng Pingpong, Durian, variegata etc.
Jambu Merah Sukun
Durian Montong, D-24, Sitokong, Kani (Chanee)
Rambutan Binjai, Rapiah/Silengkeng
Sapodilla variegata, Jambu Citra
Soursop Queen
Jabon, Sengon dan Teak
3. Livestock Suplements and Organic Fertilizer Liquid and Solid
We produce various kind of livestock suplements and organic fertilizer liquid or solid.
4. Product dan Herbal Ingridients

There is many kind of product that we provide, such as:
Shampo Klerak
Detergen Klerak
Prima Coco Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
Organic Sugar Palm, Red Sugar Crystals, Sugar Palm Flour
Phosphate Guano Flour
In addition, we also provide various kind of Herbal Ingridients either in the form of powder and dry.
5. Training
We always organize training workshops such as Training Nata de Cassava, Snake Fruit Cultivation Training, etc.
To find our other product, you can click the link of CATALOG.